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ruse de guerre造句

"ruse de guerre"是什么意思  
  • The term'ruse de guerre'is given legal meaning within the rules of war.
  • Flying another flag was considered to be a legitimate ruse de guerre only until the beginning of the fight.
  • It was a ruse de guerre that played off British expectations that an undisciplined militia would rout on contact, creating British overconfidence.
  • Winds were light so she hoisted French colours as a " ruse de guerre " and used her sweeps to try to escape her pursuers.
  • Similarly, the flying of a flag of distress was not an acceptable ruse de guerre, as it would dissuade shipping from approaching a vessel in genuine distress.
  • As a ruse de guerre they initially asked for permission to land in Batavia to trade, however the size of the Mataram fleet caused the Dutch to be suspicious.
  • It was the part of Ruse de guerre intended to transmit a false image of the Kuomintang still in control of the city with the help of the former personnel of Kwantung Army.
  • After fruitlessly besieging a populous city in Hellas, Simeon employed a " ruse de guerre " by sending brave and resourceful men into the city to discover weaknesses in its defences.
  • At 09 : 00, an American merchant vessel was spotted and in a " ruse de guerre " to lure the ship closer, " Belvidera " hoisted American colours.
  • Skorzeny admitted to ordering his men to wear U . S . uniforms; but his defence argued that, as long as enemy uniforms were discarded before combat started, such a tactic was a legitimate " ruse de guerre ".
  • It's difficult to see ruse de guerre in a sentence. 用ruse de guerre造句挺难的
  • They said that the sunken ship was the " Cukna ", but Korth saw through this " ruse de guerre " . " U-93 " was forced to dive by the presence and gunfire of.
  • Skorzeny later reported that he was told by experts in military law that wearing American uniforms was a defensible " ruse de guerre ", provided his troops took off their American uniforms, and put on German uniforms, prior to firing their weapons.
  • What would be perfidy in the case of a warship is not in the case of a merchant ship : A merchant ship may strike its colours as a ruse de guerre in an attempt to escape capture, since it does not engage the enemy in combat.
  • To give the ships an opportunity to work together, Admiral Karl D鰊itz, who had replaced Raeder in the aftermath of the Battle of the Barents Sea on 31 December 1942, ordered " ruse de guerre ", " Tirpitz " flew the white ensign on the approach to the island the following day.
  • Historically, the term " false flag " has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent's true battle flag before ( but not while ) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible " ruse de guerre "; by contrast, flying a false flag while engaging the enemy constitutes perfidy.
  • As " Peacock " closed in on " Nautilus ", Lieutenant Boyce hailed, and repeated that the war was over, but Warrington later claimed that he had thought this a " ruse de guerre " to give " Nautilus " time to escape under the cover of the neutral ( Dutch East Indies ) fort of Anjer.
  • It was in response to this, and to the British Admiralty's order of 31 January 1915 that British merchant ships should fly neutral colours as a " ruse de guerre ", that Admiral Hugo von Pohl, commander of the German High Seas Fleet, published a warning in the " Deutscher Reichsanzeiger " ( Imperial German Gazette ) on 4 February 1915:
  • Admiral Roy of India states : " The theories propounded earlier by some who were unaware of the " ruse de guerre " ( attempt to fool the enemy in wartime ) leading to the sinking of the first submarine in the Indian Ocean gave rise to smirks from within our own ( Indian ) naval service for an operation which instead merited a " Bravo Zulu " ( flag hoist for Well Done ) ".
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